This one last spinoff is technically part of the franchise. Maybe if they’d focused on the young mutants in Logan that would have been a nice connection, but these are just random mutant teens. The only time the X-Men are even alluded to is when the kids mention they think they’re being trained to join them.

Leave all of that aside though, it’s a boring movie. I’m not even inspired to write much about it; I’ll just defer to my video:

The only thing I’ll add is my surprise that Jonathan from Stanger Things got yet another teen part despite looking like he’s pushing 30. Also, I think the only way this film can justify its existence is that it makes the X-Men film series one that has had each Stark sister, with Arya’s appearance here following Sansa’s in the two most recent main movies.

Bottom Line: Gasping a dull final breath.


Well that’s that. The series that forever changed Hollywood eventually got upstaged by the MCU and done in by its own poor planning, as evidenced by the various continuity issues and nonsensical stuff. However, rewatching the whole series now I realized I lost sight of how awesome if often was, with FOUR classics (X2, First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan), four fun serious movies (the original, Wolverine, The Wolverine, Apocalypse), two lighhearted fun movies (both Deadpools), and only three clunkers (The Last Stand, Dark Phoenix, The New Mutants). Happy for whatever success they had though. Many of the films were smashes, and Dark Phoenix was the only outright flop out of any film that got a full theatrical release. Given the MCU’s 100% success rate as far as good movies (and even as far as making a profit, more or less), I can’t wait to see what they do with their rebooting of the X-Men now that Disney owns Fox!


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Brain Power