I’ll defer you to my video review first, as I said pretty much all I have to say.

I’ll just add that I NEVER get tired of Bee Gees music. They’re like those other two “Be” groups of their generation that I mentioned in how many different types of music they provided us.

However, although Barry was the most famous member of the group due to his looks and his falsetto, Robin was my favorite. I’m glad the documentary delved into his desire to be the lead singer, as well as Maurice’s willingness to be a complementary piece to his brothers. Of course, it is stated by them that if they weren’t brothers they probably could never have made the group work.

Thank God they were brothers then! I’ll conclude by sharing a video I recently discovered of a song that I love and that foregrounds Robin.

A comment on the video says his voice could peel wallpaper. If that’s a statement about how smooth it was, I agree!

Bottom Line: Heavenly beauty (the movie and their music)!

Up Next: Sprawling look at their generation’s music.


Questions? Comments? Feel free to write below.



Brain Power