Once Upon A Crime seemed perfect for the 90s but it’s not available to stream for free and the reviews were atrocious. Gosford Park would have been perfect for the 00s but I refuse to call it a comedy and its reviews would have been atrocious if so many critics weren’t pretentious snobs (present company of course excluded). You already saw how I feel about that piece of garbage anyway.

So now we’re in the 2010s. I now realize how hard good murder-mystery-ensemble-comedies are to come by, so it’s crazy there were two in 2019 alone!

I was supposed to attend the premiere of this movie in 2019 at a theater in Westwood. I was even hoping I could try for a picture with Adam Sandler and/or Jennifer Aniston inside.  Unfortunately, they reached capacity when there were about 20 people in line ahead of me.*

At least I don’t have to pay to watch it though, since it’s a Netflix movie. A wonderful one!

Sandler plays a cop who treating his stylist wife played by Aniston to a long-overdue European vacation. They wind up getting invited onto a luxury yacht owned by a fabulously rich old man (Terrence Stamp). Also on the ship are the old man’s nephew who invited them, the old man’s son, a powerful Middle-Eastern man who goes way back with the yacht owner, that middle-Eastern man’s bodyguard, a famous actress Sandler’s character loves, a party animal from India, and a racecar driver from France. Such a diverse group, and so many laughs arise – as do questions when the old man gets murdered as he’s about to sign his new will!

Nonstop entertainment and zaniness anchored by great performances from Sandler and Aniston, playing a middle-aged couple trying to rekindle the spark in their relationship after all the disappointment leading up to this trip.


Bottom Line: Thumbs way up!

Up Next: Staying still.


Questions? Comments? Feel free to write below.

*On the bright side, Sandler’s former SNL costar Kevin Nealon came outside to look at the bus sign a couple of times.  A picture with him was a nice consolation prize!


Brain Power