I repeat what I just said about Father of the Bride, except the sequel doesn’t even have funny lines in the script.

There is what could be a hilarious situation late in the film, when grandpa loses the baby, but, again, the pace and the performances are so utterly lethargic that it’s impossible to care.

I’ll add that I was pretty disturbed by a scene right before that where Taylor’s character is about to drop the baby off at her parents’ home for a few days and tells her curmudgeonly father, “If he so much looks at you the wrong way you have my permission to spank him, and spank him good.” Keep in mind she’s meant to be a sympathetic character.

This baby is supposed to be part of the Boomer generation. If they grew up in an era where even nice parents thought it okay to spank a literal infant hard (just for giving a disrespectful look to boot) no wonder they grew up to be such sociopathic assholes. #OKBoomer

It’s possible that line was meant to be a joke but if so you can’t tell because everyone in this movie seems so utterly bored. Right up until the incredibly predictable ending where the baby is named after the main character.

There, I saved you the trouble. Now skip this worthless movie.


Bottom Line: Giant-er snoozefest.

Up Next: The (first) remake.


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Brain Power