Big (Meditation)

Big (Meditation)

That’s all for my ambitious series giving a comprehensive history of age-changing movies. What stood out to me is that I reviewed 13 movies, most of which I recommended, and some of which I really loved, yet Big is the only one considered a classic. You could possibly...
Christopher Nolan Greatness

Christopher Nolan Greatness

After I got the idea for this series, I was looking at the IMDB pages for many Nolan movies and was staggered at how often they turned up in the Top 250, in high numbers to boot! I started wondering whether he has the all-time record. Going through the entire Top 250...
Perry Mason (Various)

Perry Mason (Various)

In the process of planning the previous posts, I learned just what huge, long-standing contributions the Perry Mason character has made to pop culture. I decided to do review one last set of eight – in this case miscellaneous things relevant to his history. The Case...
Scooby Memories

Scooby Memories

​Well, I’m going to go about this in a different way from previous history posts. Those came at the ends or at the beginning of their respective series; this is right in the middle. I had intended to make it at the end, after a post in which I review a sample of every...
Laurence Harvey

Laurence Harvey

The star of Room At The Top, Laurence Harvey, is a guy who’s long fascinated me. I thought of saying some stuff about him in my review of the film, but I have so much to say that I created this separate post in my History section. I first heard the name reading The...
Godzilla (History Lesson)

Godzilla (History Lesson)

Believe it or not prior to this new release I had never seen a Godzilla movie. In an effort to learn more I did some research and honestly grew surprised by what a rich history the character has. I was originally going to discuss it in my post on the original but...