Unlike Thor, Captain America had previously gotten an intended big screen treatment. I say “intended” because the 1990 movie was so awful it was delayed and delayed until going straight to video, although it got a chance to make about $10,000 internationally. 🤣
The 2011 film did, ahem, a little better. Although reports vary as far as its cost, even the most bloated figures have it costing much less than its $370 million worldwide gross. More importantly, it spawned sequels that were smash hits. Critics loved it too, giving it a very strong 80% on the Tomatometer.
All that makes me happy. I thought this movie kicked ass. Part of it is that I love period pieces in World War II America, but there’s much more to the film. Chris Evans shows dramatic range as the tiny kid who want to serve his country and then as the Adonis who hasn’t lost his sense of purpose or his strong character. Haley Atwell and Sebastian Stan shine in their breakout roles as Cap’s love interest and best friend, respectively. Tommy Lee Jones, being himself, provides amazing presence in his only MCU appearance. This being a Captain America origin story, there’s plenty about the Nazis and their nefarious plans; Hugo Weaving and Toby Jones just exude evil. It’s also cool seeing Dominic Cooper in a vital role as Iron Man’s dad Howard Stark.
That’s about all there is to say about this movie: a wonderful WWII-era fable about an underdog who wants to be a hero, is surrounded by great people, and achieves his dream supernaturally – even though the Nazis have supernatural resources at their disposal too.
The sequels are better but since they’re set in the present day they don’t have this one’s sense of whimsy. Plus you’ll appreciate the sequels much more if you get the backstory this offers.
Game: One Oscar winner (Jones), two nominees (Samuel L. Jackson briefly, Stanley Tucci)
Up next: All the heroes come together!
Bottom line: Watch it, watch it, watch it.
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