by aditya | Mar 30, 2021 | Archive
My top choice, Drive, He Said, wasn’t available for free streaming and neither were any of the other good 70s options. Thus we move ahead to the 80s, and a movie I would have paid for because of how long I’ve wanted to see it. On top of that it’s...
by aditya | Mar 29, 2021 | Archive
After watching The Way Back I decided to do a whole series on basketball movies, given there are a couple I’d always wanted to see but hadn’t. Basketball movies have been much less prevalent than baseball movies, historically, and my knowledge is further...
by aditya | Mar 29, 2021 | Archive
The Basketball Fix seemed the perfect movie for the 50s – a nice little noir – but isn’t available for free streaming. I talked about wanting to not pay for movies while I’m trying to work through the many I already own and haven’t seen....
by aditya | Mar 25, 2021 | Streaming
I’ll defer you to my video review first: That is pretty much all I had to say, although I’ll add that it was the last PAIR of shots that I loved. I was referring in the video to ***SPOILERS*** the Thrombeys looking up in unison at the mansion that is no longer theirs...
by aditya | Mar 25, 2021 | Streaming
Once Upon A Crime seemed perfect for the 90s but it’s not available to stream for free and the reviews were atrocious. Gosford Park would have been perfect for the 00s but I refuse to call it a comedy and its reviews would have been atrocious if so many critics...
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