Sorry about the long gap since my last posts. I like using both sides of my brain and the data sciences certificate I’ve been pursuing lately has kept me swamped. I hope this really timely review of Gemini Man makes up for it for you fans though!

The trailer honestly tells you all you need to know. Will Smith’s character fights a clone of himself who’s less than half his age. The question is whether this ultra-high-concept is well executed.

Although not the biggest Will Smith fan, as my Aladdin review will attest to, I like him enough and he does great here in this dual role. Well, “dual” role. Mary-Elizabeth Winstead, Benedict Wong, and especially Clive Owen are great in supporting roles and the script gives us a decent number of funny one-liners.

Ultimately though, this film has a simple plot that serves no purpose other than to provide an excuse for showing Will Smith and young Will Smith fight. That’s not a bad thing if the fights are exciting – and that they are. Very well-choreographed, well-lit, and well edited.

The best thing about the visuals is UNQUESTIONABLY the 120 frame per second 4K 3D. You just cannot believe how real the 120 fps makes the film look. Apparently director Ang Lee and Paramount Pictures took the extraordinary measure to make the very daring CGI experiment of this second, young Will Smith seem genuine. It really helps the whole movie though. Even in scenes without the clone, the vividness of the water, the cars, the people, etc. makes you feel like you’re right there!!!

Granted there are only a handful of theaters playing the film 120 fps. If you can seek it out it’s worth it. Otherwise knock 20 points off my score (note that that’s still a recommendation).

Bottom line: My personal experience was wonderful.

Up Next: Want young and old versions of the same character interacting again?

Agree? Disagree? Feel free to comment.


Brain Power