It’s such a joy discussing this movie. Disney movies from the Golden Age are something else, conveying an otherworldly sense of magic, starting from the first frame that would often show a real storybook opening up. Although I love many of the films from Uncle Walt’s lifetime, this is particularly special.

I’ve cherished the original Dumbo since I was little, even having a book-on-tape of the movie in kindergarten. I also watched the Nickelodeon show Dumbo’s Circus. That showed a presumably older Dumbo, as he was bigger and could talk. Still cute though. What I most remember about that show was a lion named Lionel. I was later surprised to learn that’s a real name.

Back to the movie though. Most people know the basic story – it’s a Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer-type yarn about a little elephant who gets teased for his big ears but achieves adulation when his ability to fly is discovered. What drives the movie’s arc emotionally is the separation from his mother after she attacks someone teasing her baby.

Without being the slightest bit manipulative, the movie tugs at our heartstrings beautifully the entire time. From Mrs. Jumbo’s longing for a baby and her happiness when he is delivered to the bond formed as Timothy comforts Dumbo through all the trauma to the crows reacting to his situation to the ultimate triumph the movie is beyond beautiful.

Beyond. And I haven’t even mentioned the song Baby Mine. Oh God, there’s something in my eye…

I will address the criticism most levied at the film – the movie’s supposedly racist crow characters. As I alluded to here, they are the only characters besides Timothy and Mrs. Jumbo who show Dumbo kindness. They actually become very helpful after learning about his plight breaks their hearts. Even when they seem to tease him it’s just because they’re understandably incredulous about the idea of an elephant flying.

Regarding their outfits and demeanors, they’re meant to be a harmless parody of black performers of the day and they are mostly voiced by black actors. The lead crow is voiced by a white actor but it’s very common in animation for actors to voice characters of different backgrounds. As far as that lead crow’s first name being Jim…yeah I got nothing for that.

Still, such a beautiful film. Whether you have a small child or you’re childlike at heart, I dare you not to love it!

Final Verdict: You won’t find a more touching way to spend one hour!


Brain Power